Except today's allready classical program for scanning known viruses, AVAST32 also contains the tools that enable you to find macroviruses and polyform viruses as well, it can even discover the presence of viruses which have been unknown so far.
Thanks to resident tests it is possible to check whether the system did not perform any operations that could be caused by the activity of a virus.
The AVAST32 also makes it possible to follow all and any operations that are active within the system, in case of a suspicion, it will block an operation and send a message to the user. It can even scan the files that are being run, and thus prevent the system from virus infection.
New feature of AVAST32 3.0 is the capability of remove controling of the program via network. It allows you to create, modify a start tasks for virus scaning on remote workstations, see the results, and take the appropriate measures directly from your computer.
The next feature added, is task scheduling. You are now able to start virus scanning in time you want.
The user interface of the AVAST32 program is fully compatible with the environment of the operating systems Windows 95/98 and NT and it completely follows common standards. That is why the user working in this environment will not have any problems getting familiar with the program.In order that the users can operate this program comfortably, it contains a wide possibilities of settings, and four user interfaces. The users, which already used the previous version of AVAST32, can chose a user interface similar to the 2.0 version.